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Maestro Suite Enables Hoteliers to Respond to New Trends in Group Business

NORTHWIND-Maestro PMS, provider of Maestro enterprise Property Management hotel software and reservation software solutions for the hospitality industry, is enabling operators to proactively respond to emerging trends in today's economy, particularly when it comes to leaner staffs, fewer leisure-only travelers, and shorter lead times in convention bookings and group room reservations.

"In 2009, we are seeing the group booking lead time process has shrunk across the board in recent months," says Bob Schuler, vice president of sales for the Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau. Schuler's observation is indicative of the changes in today's economic climate, and savvy hoteliers are meeting these new business dynamics head-on with solutions like Maestro's Web Connection Suite of online booking solutions to operate more efficiently and drive higher revenue. 

Maestro's 100 percent real-time ResWave booking engine delivers a comprehensive suite of PMS-integrated online group self-serve options. ResWave enables group members to book from their own group block rooms from a property's site and add amenity reservations for spa appointments, dining reservations, and other revenue-generating services as they book rooms to increase property profitability. 
Market amenities to group members
Maestro's Web Connection Suite enables property group planners and sales people to send marketing e-mails to group attendees with a direct link to booking screens that may also promote other property services. Maestro's ResWave group self-booking function provides capability to upsell and add spa, dining, and other services to group reservations on the same booking screen. This service is attractive to a growing number of corporate guests who no longer take weekend getaways, but do appreciate a little pampering to decompress while traveling on business.

Technology to help operators thrive
In today's hotel operating environment efficiency, centralization, and maximizing revenue through integrated services is vital. Maestro's integrated suite of Web Connection modules including its ResWave group booking system give operators of individual properties and hotel groups the tools they need to thrive in today's market.

Additional Web Connection enhancements enable operators to effectively manage groups and win new business with robust functionality which now includes:

  • Group Member Reservations: Group planners can send marketing emails to attendees with a direct link to online booking at the group rate, reducing the cost and manual processing errors
  • Group Upsell: Group members can book activities and amenities online to generate significant incremental revenue
  • Group Rooming Lists: Group leaders and planners can view rooming lists online for convenience and control
  • Online RFP: Online proposal requests and management help streamline group sales and win business
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