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How This Luxury Hotel Uses CRM to Boost the Bottom Line

Hotel Granduca Austin wanted to find new guests and bring back repeats.
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Competition for hotel guests is red hot in Austin as the city expands with new properties across the metropolitan area. “We’re an independent property, so, as a brand, whether it be local, national or international, we need assistance to make sure people know who we are,” said Ray DeJohn, director of sales & marketing for Hotel Granduca Austin, a 194-room property that offers one-of-a-kind luxury experiences, scenic vistas and panoramic views of the Texas city.

Standing out from other hotels, especially larger brands, requires a thoughtful, strategic approach to hotel marketing that puts the focus on compatibility and timing versus a shotgun approach.

Hotel Granduca Austin partnered with Cendyn to help bring in new travelers and lure back repeat guests with personalized, relevant and timely messages delivered at just the right time and place. “Cendyn has been instrumental with that and we’re very glad we chose them as our CRM partner,” DeJohn said. “As a hotel with a high quality of excellence, we’re looking for vendors who echo that commitment to service. Cendyn has been fantastic in that vein. Their service is friendly, timely and correct, which is extremely important.”

By partnering with Cendyn, Hotel Granduca can target marketing offers to their best guests and those who look just like them with agility and ease, thanks to unique, hospitality-specific technology. “Because we’re able to curate specific lists through the database, we’re able to specifically target who and what we want to go after,” DeJohn said.

Hotel data is now actionable and specific marketing campaigns can be executed quickly. “And that can happen at a drop of a dime,” DeJohn added. “Working with Cendyn is fast and efficient.”

Partnering with Cendyn for hotel CRM has paid off at the luxury hotel, which continues to grow in brand awareness, repeat guest stays and revenue year over year. “With Cendyn, we see direct, bottom-line improvement to our CRM efforts and ability to nurture a repeat client base,” DeJohn explained. “Cendyn has performed so quickly, especially in times of need. It’s been a great boom for us.”

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