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Hotels Find Surprising Revenue Stream with PURE Allergy Friendly Rooms

During the economic turbulence of 2009, a number of hoteliers had the foresight to implement an amenity that would ultimately affect their bottom line. These hoteliers realized they had an opportunity to capture a premium- while catering to the needs of their guest. Studies show up to 1 in 4 Americans have allergies or asthma. Until this past year the sensitive traveler had little choice when it came to selecting a hotel with rooms treated to remove allergy and asthma triggers. Hotels have found that even in challenging times, these guests are willing to pay a premium for a comfortable night's sleep. As a result, hotel companies, such as Pyramid Hotel Group, have increased the number of hotels with PURE Allergy Friendly Rooms in their portfolio.

"We have been pleased with the incremental revenue, high perceived value from our guests and point of differentiation that our PURE Rooms have provided," says Jim Dina, chief operating officer at Pyramid Hotel Group. "For many of our PURE Room Guests, being able to breathe easy is nearly immeasurable."

The PURE Room is designed to be turn-key. Installation, maintenance, and sales and marketing training is performed by the experts at PURE. Most hotels are securing a $20 premium for these rooms; however that can vary depending on the hotel location and season. PURE Solutions, a company from Buffalo, NY, was busy throughout 2009 installing PURE Allergy Friendly Rooms across the country. While PURE Rooms are currently in nearly 80 hotels, they are on track to be offered in close to 300 hotels by the end of 2010.

"PURE has been a solid investment for the Doubletree Guest Suites Times Square. Both the installation process and the subsequent maintenance visits are quick, easy, and we have found that we have a customer base who really values this product line. Several customers have even asked where they could purchase the PURE air purifier for their homes! We certainly have an edge over the competition in what appears to be an emerging market," says Sam Grabush, general manager at the Doubletree Guest Suites Times Square.

A PURE Room has been specially treated to remove allergens, virus, bacteria and other irritants that prevent hotel guests from feeling their best. The 6-step process comprehensively treats airflow and every surface to create and maintain an extremely hygienic environment. The PURE Room is maintained and certified bi-annually by PURE technicians who travel with special testing equipment to ensure the room is performing to a standard that is a minimum of two times better than the guidelines for asthma patients.
These specially treated rooms are available in a broad range of hotel types- from select service, to luxury hotels, to long term residences. Regardless of hotel type, hoteliers are finding both the business and the leisure guest appreciate a PURE Room.
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