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Hotels Can Increase Revenue with Existing Internet Bandwidth through eTelemetry

eTelemetry announces the release of Notify, a network appliance that manages guest Internet access speeds and provides hoteliers with the ability to market premium bandwidth tiers, corporate promotions, and hotel services inside guest Web browsers as they access the Internet.

Hotels can control their existing bandwidth by using Notify's intuitive Web-based interface to manage guest Internet access speeds so that available bandwidth is partitioned evenly and not dominated by a few guests using bandwidth intensive applications, such as streaming video.

Notify enables hotels to send messages to guests as they surf the Internet, for increased revenue through the promotion of fee-based premium bandwidth services and the sale of advertising space to national and local vendors. Hotels can additionally leverage Notify to improve the guest experience through targeted messaging by room or group.

Notify is a plug-and-play network appliance that deploys on any network and requires no configuration by the guest or in guest rooms. 

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