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Hotel Beaux Arts Miami Adds iPads to Guestrooms

The guestrooms at the Hotel Beaux Arts Miami now feature an in-room iPad that gives guests the control to choose from 30 hotel services and customize their hotel experience.
Powered by Intelity’s ICE Touch (Interactive Customer Experience) software, guests are able to order room service, book dinner reservations, make housekeeping requests, coordinate transportation, browse for local information and much more, all at the touch of a finger. Additionally, ICE software allows guests the ability to virtually plan activities in or out of the hotel, as well as access flight and airline information, adding luxury to the art of travel.  
Aside from providing this luxury service to guests, ICE technology helps to increase hotel efficiency and customer satisfaction with its revolutionary backend management tool. ICE does this by fully integrating with the hotel’s property management systems, which allows management to track and chart guest requests and response times.
”At Hotel Beaux Arts Miami, we provide the highest level of sophistication, technology and contemporary design,” says Florencia Tabeni, general manager of the exclusive, 44-room hotel. “We are excited about the partnership with Intelity to deliver an experience that caters to the lifestyle of our plugged in society and Hotel Beaux Arts Miami guests.”
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