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Hilton Utilizes Porter24's Digital Concierge with New Selfie Button

Hotels across San Diego, including Hilton San Diego, are among the first to take advantage of digital advertising/hospitality solution company Porter24’s interactive touchscreen concierge service with its new "selfie button," which allows guests to take photos that can be directly uploaded to their social media pages. The touchscreen service, installed on easy-to-use digital kiosks, is capable of providing different backdrops for each selfie, specifically tailored to each hotel’s local attractions. Hilton San Diego features backdrops from local San Diego attractions, all of which include the hotel’s unique logo.
Since implementation into local San Diego hotels, the "selfie button" has amassed over a thousand "Selfie" shares onto various social media platforms, according to the company.  
With the selfie proliferating social media throughout the past year, the company had reportedly been receiving feedback from hotel management and consumers that they wanted an option to take a selfie of their vacation or business trip.
Free for hotels across the country and featured on interactive touchscreens in hotel lobbies, Porter24’s content management system (CMS) allows hotels to customize and update in real-time, allowing users to find local business deals, tourist attractions, local weather, track flights and see additional offerings from the hotel. The software suggests top restaurants, nightlife, attractions, and exclusive deals that can be sent directly to a guest’s personal device. 
Porter24’s interactive touchscreens come in various sizes between 50 and 65 inches, but custom builds are also available.
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