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Grand Sierra Resort & Casino Chases Incremental Event Revenue with PassKey

Grand Sierra Resort (GSR), the 15th largest convention-hotel in the United States, has deployed Passkey's GroupMAX technology to provide comprehensive event management tools for all meeting planners and online booking capabilities for its guests. With nearly 2,000 guest rooms and over 200,000 square feet of usable meeting, function and exhibit space, the implementation of GroupMAX was a logical choice for GSR.

According to Denise Banks, vice president of sales, meetings and conventions at GSR, "Our meeting planners are specifically requesting GroupMAX and we are thrilled to be able to provide them an advanced set of tools to optimize their events. With GroupMAX, each event will have a professionally designed custom booking website and each meeting planner will be able to track their event's pick-up, pace and reservations online, as well as analyze trends, and manage their room lists securely. If our clients are happy, they will return time and time again as we consistently offer an unsurpassed event planning experience."

Shifting gears
In the past, GSR has experienced a high volume of call-in reservations for its groups; by utilizing GroupMAX, a large portion of these reservations will be shifted online. By driving these bookings online, GSR can now offer its guests a wide variety of room and stay options, further enhancing guest experience while generating incremental revenue from the sale of room upgrades, extended stays and amenities. In addition, GSR will be able to use GroupMAX's built-in email marketing tool-set, "Group Campaigns", to customize offers for guests specific to a particular group or event.

"We're eager to begin using GroupMAX's upselling tools. So far, we've only been able to scratch the surface; with Group Campaigns, we will be able to directly target our group guests in a highly professional manner, offering promotional incentives pre and post-stay," notes Banks of GSR. "Built-in e-marketing tools will create a strategic avenue for generating maximum incremental revenues from group guests."

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