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Baked Goods Supplier Experiences 60% Increase in Items Ordered Online

This Chick Bakes is a wholesale supplier of baked goods with a special focus on gluten-free in the Tri-State area of New York. CEO and Executive Baker Hope Jones prides herself on running a business that makes cookies and cakes that are renowned for their fresh and fun flavor combinations. Its products are made without trans-fats, high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors or preservatives.
However, This Chick Bakes lacked an effective and reliable communication system to properly track the number of items customers wanted, causing orders to fall incomplete. Additionally, its clients were not up-to-date with This Chick Bakes’ entire wholesale menu.
To solve these two problems, This Chick Bakes partnered with BlueCart to implement a mobile app for online ordering.
“BlueCart has been a business changer! It makes our company's and our client's work experience so much easier, saving time, resources, and sanity,” Jones said.
The mobile app offers This Chick Bakes messaging capabilities, which has enhanced communication and collaboration.
“I really like that I am able to communicate with my clients via messages directly to their emails right from my BlueCart 'Messages' section,” Jones notes.
Their most important request was getting orders in on time to create their baking list for product delivery. Order cut-off times have greatly helped organize their business practice helping them deliver all orders fully and on-time. Since using BlueCart, This Chick Bakes has saved more than 51 hours in ordering time.
The mobile app also allows suppliers to display their full product list to all of their customers. Since implementing the app, This Chick Bakes experienced a 60% increase in items ordered from current clients. These clients were able to discover and order new and different items of which they were previously unaware.
This Chick Bakes was worried that they would not be able to encourage its customers to adopt the new platform. But it found BlueCart's mobile app to be very user friendly. Within the first six months, 70% of its entire customer base was using the app.
“So far my clients have transitioned easily onto BlueCart," Jones said. "They’ve really appreciated the ease of ordering and the user-friendly interface that BlueCart offers and they have mentioned that BlueCart keeps their ordering organized and easy to keep track of.”
Jose Vicente, Operator for This Chick Bakes, no longer wastes valuable time on phone calls and dedicates his extra time to other projects such as, billing and selling products, retail orders, retail website, and most importantly: baking. The company's baked goods’ sales have increased since its sales reps can now spend more time selling new items and less time keying in orders.
“After introducing BlueCart to my clients, the majority of them prefer online ordering because of its simplicity since their time is just as valuable to them,” Vicente said.
This Chick Bakes also experienced a reduction in errors largely because the platform is designed to guarantee order accuracy for buyers, leaving Vicente to simply crosscheck outgoing orders. Because the app allows clients to be self-sufficient in ordering, This Chick Bakes has been able to keep labor costs low while increasing sales.
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