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Back-Office Tech Reduces Food & Labor Costs For Wendy's Franchisee

A franchisee of 52 Wendy’s restaurants, Patterson & Associates, of Louisville, Ky., has agreed to implement the RTIconnect back office.  The Wendy’s franchisee chose RTIconnect after a pilot test and as already seen improvements in both food and labor. In addition, the ability to monitor cashier activity via the reporting tools in RTIconnect has contributed towards overall savings.
The Patterson restaurants are spread across Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee, and Virginia. Comprised of more than a dozen business entities, Patterson wanted a back office that would give them enterprise reporting, said Greg Waddell, RTI Senior Vice President of Sales. The previous back office system was unable to provide ideal food cost. RTIconnect fills both critical needs, as well as other time and money-saving elements.
In the Patterson restaurants, RTIconnect interfaces with the existing Xpient POS and PAN MWS software. RTIconnect can import data from multiple POS systems and convert that data into consistent, company-wide reports.

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