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Aclaimant and StrongArm Technologies Partner to Create Next Evolution of Risk Management

 Aclaimant, a workflow process automation platform for safety and risk management, today announced a partnership with StrongArm Technologies, the world's leading safety science company. The partnership integrates StrongArm's Fuse Risk Management Platform, built on 25 million hours of proprietary, real-world safety data into Aclaimant's platform to create a holistic, active risk management solution for employers and employees.

As the pandemic persists, a heightened focus on workplace safety is among employers' top priorities. Aclaimant and StrongArm's partnership will provide customers with the ability to keep workers safe through enhanced wearable technology and a data-driven streamlined risk management platform designed to help employers make proactive decisions. The partnership provides actionable insights on worksite safety and an enhanced way for submitting insurance claims.

"We're thrilled to join forces with StrongArm at a time when keeping front-line employees safe could not be more important," said David Wald, Co-founder and CEO, Aclaimant. "Our partnership with StrongArm will enhance the roadmap of our business by providing employers with enhanced data through wearable technology to ensure those working in the manufacturing, construction, hospitality and staffing industries are compliant and safe as the global pandemic continues. By providing employees with wearable technology and a streamlined platform, our clients will be positioned to lead the charge in the next evolution of risk management and employee safety."

With Aclaimant representing thousands of companies, interested customers will now be able to integrate StrongArm's purpose-built Fuse Risk Management Platform to reduce ergonomic injuries and combat high-risk interactions in both large and small workforces. The wearable technology algorithm strengthens with each hour the wearable is on a body, not just for the organization's workforce, but for every participating Industrial Athlete™ around the world. StrongArm's Fuse Risk Management Platform has reduced high-risk worker interactions by more than 70% and has driven down ergonomic risk by as much as 40% to date.

"At StrongArm, our mantra has always been a straight line to better workplace safety for Industrial Athletes around the world: If we can measure it, you can manage it," said Sean Petterson, Founder and CEO, StrongArm. "We're thrilled to partner with Aclaimant as a way to further that mission and make front-line worker safety more visible, accessible and actionable for all."

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