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5 Hotel Tech Trends to Watch Out for in 2024 and Beyond

From the demise of the check-in desk to the rise of biometric-based guest processes, here are five trends that will reign supreme in 2024.

To better understand what’s to come in the new year and beyond, this article takes a look at future trends within hotel technology and how they will impact the hospitality industry. Below we highlight five technology trends that we predict will drive digital transformation in hotels in 2024 and beyond across the globe.

The demise of the check-in desk

Historically, the guest arrival has been synonymous with check-in counters in hotel lobbies. Emphasis on the word historically. Because check-in counters are on their way out. Implementation of self-service technologies such as web check-in is on the rise at hotels worldwide. This contactless process allows guests to check in from their mobile devices and choose their room before even reaching the hotel, then directly access their room with their mobile device serving as the key. Simultaneously, hotel staff can be equipped with digital tools on their mobile devices to assist guests wherever they are – with access to contextual information. The demise of the check-in desk frees up staff to focus on personal contact with guests and to curate beautiful arrival experiences.

Digital identity

Biometric identity authentication streamlines check-in, check-out, and payment processes, reduces waiting times, and improves overall efficiency. With features such as facial recognition, guests can check in and out, and authorize payments seamlessly and securely. Platforms like Clear in the US and Digiyatra in India have been gamechangers in this space, driving adoption in other industries. Current privacy regulations along with affordable economic models will allow hotels to deploy this at scale.

Staff empowerment

As staff and skills shortage remain a challenge for hoteliers in various parts of the world, technology will empower staff to do more with less. Utilizing hotel technology to automate mundane tasks enhances operational efficiency, allowing hotel staff to dedicate more time to the irreplaceable human connection with guests.

Health & wellness

As people are more conscious of their health and wellbeing, hotels need to offer comprehensive holistic and healthy solutions - from beds and pillows and environment to food and beverages. This is an almost one trillion-dollar industry and every hotelier can be a part of that by understanding guest preferences and crafting healthy experiences. Interactive menus or apps can provide nutritional information, suggest healthier alternatives, or even offer personalized meal plans based on individual preferences and dietary restrictions. Wearable devices, such as smartwatches or fitness trackers, can be integrated with the hotel's technology infrastructure to adjust room temperature and lighting based on the guest's sleep patterns, provide recommendations for relaxation exercises, or even offer personalized sleep data analysis to improve overall sleep quality.

API-enabled cloud-first systems

One of the biggest shifts we are seeing in the industry is the move from decades-old technology with siloed applications and no interoperability between systems, resulting in islands of guest data, to modern Application Programming Interface (API)-enabled, cloud-first systems. A modern tech stack leads to better usability, reliability and interoperability which enables hotels to create brand-focused experiences for both staff and guests in different channels. Such systems will enable the industry to progress to the reality of delivering integrated experiences on an affordable, scalable, and easily maintainable level.

About the author
Vibin Balakrishnan, CTO of Hudini, is a tech entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience in retail, real estate, and hospitality industries. He works at the intersection of technology, data, and experiences to create new business opportunities. Vibin has built and grown digital-age businesses and helped large organizations navigate their digital transformation journey. 

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