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Visa Consumer Authentication Service Combats eCommerce Fraud

Visa Inc. has announced a new solution in its information products line up to help issuers reduce the risk of eCommerce fraud using real-time, risk-based transaction analysis. Called the Visa Consumer Authentication Service, the solution is designed to seamlessly support an issuer's Three Domain Secure (3-D Secure) program such as Verified by Visa and is available in all Visa Inc. markets immediately.  
Visa Consumer Authentication Service authenticates the consumer prior to the authorization process, adding a powerful layer of protection against fraud. As the consumer begins the online checkout process, the solution performs a real-time risk assessment of the transaction based on numerous inputs including device and transaction information and historical spending patterns. The result is that issuers can complete lower-risk eCommerce transactions without requiring consumers to go through the extra step of entering their passwords or other verification. The solution minimizes disruption and abandonment at the point of purchase, while also helping issuers and merchants reduce fraud losses.
Visa Consumer Authentication Service is a hosted access control server that provides issuers with the following capabilities:
Sophisticated risk-based authentication. Visa Consumer Authentication Service's risk-scoring model takes into account enhanced inputs, including critical information about the device, transaction information and spending profiles. This data will enhance issuers' decision-making ability to identify potential fraud and prompt for verification only when necessary.
Dynamic methods of authentication. Visa Consumer Authentication Service supports a wide range of account holder authentication methods. This means higher-risk transactions may be verified by the issuer in a variety of ways including more secure, dynamic methods such as one-time passwords or hardware tokens.
Support for mobile. Visa Consumer Authentication Service can be integrated to function through a range of devices including mobile phones and tablets, to ensure consumers have a secure, efficient and reliable payment experience when shopping through another channel beyond the PC.
Rules for strategy refinement. Visa Consumer Authentication Service provides issuers with the tools to write additional rules to further refine risk decisioning capabilities.
To learn more about Visa Consumer Authentication Service or to sign up, issuers should contact their Visa account executive.

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