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Verdant to Debut New Smart Guestroom Thermostat

Next month at HX: The Hotel Experience, Verdant will unveil a new guestroom energy-management thermostat. The new ZX energy-management thermostat leverages the energy-saving features of Verdant’s popular VX solution in a sleek and trendy design. Verdant ZX will be on display in Booth 3231, Nov. 11 – 12, at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York.

When rooms are unoccupied, owners unnecessarily pay to heat or cool the empty space. Verdant’s energy-management system combines passive infrared (PIR) occupancy-based thermostats and intelligent cloud software to set back temperature while guests are away. Patented features like Night Occupancy Mode and Dynamic Intelligent Recovery ensure maximum energy savings without compromising guest comfort. It’s not a new concept, but it’s one that Verdant customers across North America have come to rely on and appreciate.

The company's annual customer-satisfaction surveys show that 90% of its customers are either meeting or exceeding their energy saving expectations. The new ZX thermostat is user friendly for occupants, delivers concrete energy savings for owners, and can be managed and monitored online 24/7.

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