Unlock ROI with Customer Experience (CX): Findings & Predictions from the 2019 Customer Engagement Technology Study
In the span of less than a decade, technology has made huge inroads in hospitality and is reshaping every facet of service, guest experience, and competition. Digital has become ubiquitous, but digital for digital’s sake is not enough. As a part of any business strategy, it must solve a problem and yield returns – this can only happen with thoughtful application.
In this webinar, HT’s editor-in-chief and the author of the 2019 Customer Engagement Technology Study will break down key research findings to help hospitality execs set strategy and select experience-impacting tech that will deliver ROI.
What You’ll Learn:
- What technology will drive 57% of restaurants and 76% of hotel guests to return
- CETS (customer engagement technology) installation rates and plans
- How CXM technology stacks up to customers’ expectations
- Top investment areas for hotels and restaurants to support customer experience
- What catering to the constantly connected, digital guest will require of networks
- What CETS are most effective in enhancing business outcomes and customer engagement
- And more!
PLUS! Listen in to a moderated panel discussion between study author, Prof. Daniel Connolly, Donna M. Cobb, Executive Director, Enterprise Marketing for Comcast Business, Zerrick Pearson, VP Information Technology, Five Guys Enterprises, LLC and executives from leading hospitality companies.