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TrustYou Infographic Reveals that 65% of Messages Capture Guest Opinions

TrustYou, a guest feedback platform, released an infographic that shows how hotels could use real-time messaging to respond to guest feedback. In its study, TrustYou analyzed 10,000 verified messages from over 6,300 guest conversations, utilizing its recently launched TrustYou Messaging platform (formerly CheckMate). The research examined different types of services and amenities guests discussed.
The company found that 65% of messages capture guest opinions on hotel services and amenities. For example, 26% of conversations mention the room, 15% mention reception and 14% mention the hotel. TrustYou is able to break those statistics down even further for hotels to learn how guests feel about such things as the bed they're sleeping on, the price they're paying for the room or the service they've received from hotel personnel.
To see what TrustYou found, view the infographic here:
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