Study: Connected Consumers Continue to Embrace Online Ordering
Paytronix Systems Inc. published the latest report in its ongoing series “Delivering on Restaurant Rewards,” which finds that “superconnected” consumers, those with six or more connected devices, have the greatest appetite for digital food ordering experiences. Superconnected consumers' propensity to order online using any of several connected devices at any given time means that restaurants need to focus on all customer touchpoints when thinking through their marketing and ordering options.
5 Types of Digital Consumers
The joint Paytronix and PYMNTS report segmented consumers into five different categories based on how many connected devices they regularly used and then set out to determine what their device collection reveals about their propensity for online ordering. It also seeks to determine which features cafes, diners, QSRs and full-service eateries must provide to drive restaurant spend among these digitally savvy customers.
Superconnected – With six or more connected devices, superconnected users are the highest earners and the biggest restaurant spenders. The average superconnected restaurant customer spent 26 percent more on food orders than average in the last 12 months.
Connected Me – Ninety percent of this group plans to keep ordering online at least somewhat as often as they do now after the risk of contagion has passed. They have fewer than six devices including connected wearables.
Connected Home – Also with fewer than six devices, this group is defined by such items as voice assistants or other smart appliances. Fifteen percent report ordering less in person and more online for at least one restaurant.
Mainstream Mobile – Forty percent of these users say they will go back to dining on-site just as much as they did before March 2020 once it is safe to do so. They also rely on just tablets and smartphones.
Smartphone Centric – With only a smartphone as a connection point, these users aren’t changing their habits. One hundred percent of them plan to keep ordering online at least somewhat as often as they do now.
“The numerous ways in which different connected persona groups engage with their restaurants' loyalty programs signal that it will not be enough for restaurants to give their customers the ability to order their food on different channels going forward. They must also ensure that their customers can earn loyalty and rewards benefits on as many channels as they can place their orders if they hope to meet consumers' demands for omnichannel ordering experiences.” – Delivering on Restaurant Rewards.
“This survey shows clearly that restaurants must enable guests to order regardless of their device of choice, whether that’s phone, tablet, TV, Alexa, Car Dashboard. All of that is now key to offering a unique guest experience,” said Michelle Tempesta, head of marketing for Paytronix Systems. “Guests expect technology to use their previous ordering history to make the current order experience even easier, just as they appreciate an on-premises server recognizing a frequent customer and knowing their favorites. New technology presents personalized recommendations, complementary menu items that fit dietary preferences, and make the guest feel confident they will receive what they love when the delivery bag arrives.”
Delivering On Restaurant Rewards, a PYMNTS and Paytronix collaboration, surveyed a census-balanced panel of 2,030 U.S. consumers between March 29 and April 1, 2021, to learn more about the types of connected devices they own, what their device collections might reveal about the way they order food and how restaurants can boost restaurant spend. Respondents were 48 years old on average, 33 percent had college degrees and 36 percent earned more than $100,000 annually.
Download the full report, Delivering on Restaurant Rewards: Superconnected Consumers Spend 26% More On Food Orders