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PCI-compliant Software Increases Hotel Amenity Gift Transaction Security

Ascension Software announces that its ORION Amenities program is the only PCI-compliant amenities platform used by hotels today. This successful online program is helping ensure the security of guests’ amenity credit card transactions, thereby reducing the risk of non-PCI compliance for hotels throughout the world.
Risks of non-compliance
The Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS) is a set of credit card regulations designed to combat identity theft. Traditional phone-in amenity programs used by many hotels compromise the security of their guests. Every time a hotel employee writes down a guest’s credit card number, or when a guest places an amenity order on a non-secure platform, their credit card number is subject to potential theft. That threat increases as cyber-crime continues to rise, and the resulting risks to hotels are significant.
Non-compliant credit card processing can have serious consequences, including fines by banks, credit card companies and the government. It can also result in litigation and increased charges for future credit card transactions. With ORION Amenities, hotels can offer a secure platform for guest amenity orders. Non-compliance can also damage a hotel’s brand, particularly with the prevalence of social media. Disgruntled guests can rapidly spread the word, severely impacting future amenity purchases and hotel reservations.
With Ascension Software ORION Amenities, hotels deliver what customers expect—an amenities gift shopping experience that is easy and satisfying, in a completely secure environment. Guests reward these hotels with their trust and loyalty.  
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