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Paytronix Introduces New Credit Card Insights and Platinum Accelerator

Paytronix Systems, Inc., has announced two additions to its premium Data Insights offering: Credit Card Insights and Platinum Accelerator(SM). These new tools are designed to help restaurants and retailers analyze and optimize data from disparate sources so they can better design a customer loyalty program and then segment, communicate with members and drive more value from their membership once a program is up and running.
While restaurants and retailers may know there is a wealth of information locked into customer data, most are unsure how to design and implement an effective data analysis program. Paytronix Data Insights combines out-of-the-box dashboard reports with a team of experienced analysts to help uncover actionable insights from disparate data sources.
With Paytronix Data Insights, restaurants and retailers can synthesize data from sources such as loyalty programs, email clubs, guest surveys, social networks, and online ordering to achieve a complete view of their guests and, ultimately, to send more relevant offers to guests and increase overall sales.
Paytronix has expanded its Data Insights with new capabilities that include:
Credit Card Insights -- Helps design loyalty programs prior to launch by collecting all guest data including item-level purchase information, tied to a purchasing identifier e.g. a credit card master token for each customer. This information is analyzed to understand purchase behavior of targeted customer segments and leveraged to design an effective loyalty program. Once the program is up and running, pre-loyalty behavior can be compared to post-launch activity to determine an ROI by individual customers.
Platinum Accelerator(SM) -- Quickly identifies high-spend, high frequency candidates based on demographic and behavioral traits and develops a nurturing path to move these guests up in spend and frequency so that they become platinum guests. Built on a proprietary set of algorithms, the platinum accelerator helps restaurants create more high frequency or "platinum" guests who typically are 10 times more valuable than an average guest.
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