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Optii Solutions Announces Two-Way Integration with Springer-Miller Systems

Optii Solutions, a provider of optimization technology for hotel operations, has announced a two-way integration with Springer-Miller Systems, the property management technology for some of the world’s most exclusive hotels, resorts and spas. The integration of Optii and Springer-Miller’s property management system forms part of Optii’s growth strategy to expand its operations across the US, and will enable Springer-Miller properties to streamline their housekeeping operations through smart technology and automation. The first joint customer for the integration will be Nemacolin resort in Farmington, Pennsylvania.

The two-way integration of Springer-Miller and Optii’s systems will allow hotel customers to have room status updates in real-time, queued and blocked rooms automatically prioritized, guest names, VIP and special codes in hand, as well as transparency between the front desk and housekeeping.

Optii’s data-driven platform optimizes room attendant’s daily cleaning schedules and cleaning sequences so hoteliers can plan faster turnaround times and use predictive AI to create efficient daily operations. This unique 360-degree approach allows resorts to operate with greater efficiency and leads to the platform typically paying for itself within one month of use, making it a very affordable solution for hotels.

Deborah Pevenstein, Chief Revenue Officer, Optii Solutions, said: “This two-way integration with Springer-Miller Systems is a milestone partnership for Optii as we continue to expand access to our unique technology in the US. We look forward to helping more hoteliers address staffing challenges and improve efficiencies for lean teams, reduce housekeeping costs and connect the front and back of house with our streamlined approach.”

Candace Hassinger, Director of Continuous Improvement, Nemacolin, said: “We are implementing Optii and Springer-Miller Systems’ latest technology to our resort to better connect our entire operations through the 360-degree workflow. Nemacolin resort will benefit from this best-in-class housekeeping solution that will improve both staff productivity and elevate the guest experience.”

Robert Selwah, President, Springer-Miller Systems, said: “Having efficient, automated hotel operations systems is more important now than ever. Through integrating with Optii, all resorts we service will have access to a fully integrated housekeeping system offering the potential to reduce turnaround times and boost efficiency. We urge all resorts on Springer-Miller Systems to schedule a demo of the system and unlock the potential of this partnership.”

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