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NJ Restaurant Manages Customer Satisfaction Across 11 Locations

For more than 18 years, Turning Point owners Kirk and Pam Ruoff have served New Jersey residents made-to-order brunch using fresh, local ingredients. Yet the Ruoffs realized to continue their success, Turning Point needed to replace its outdated point of sale solution.
The Ruoffs quickly learned to appreciate the NCR Aloha platform for more than its increases in operational efficiency. Specifically, their management team uses the NCR Customer Voice add-on to analyze and address customer praise and complaints. “Its comprehensive management tools provide everything from real-time labor reports to employee theft prevention,” says Kirk Ruoff, co-founder. “With it, we can manage our 11 storefronts with less stress and greater simplicity.”
The tool provides a way for guests to easily voice their opinion. Customer Voice is easy to use for both Turning Point and its customers and solicits feedback based on one question – “On a scale of 0 to 10 – how likely are you to recommend our restaurant to a friend?”  Based on what rating a customer picks, it also enables them to either provide more feedback to the restaurant or share strong ratings through their social channels.  In turn, the management team can respond directly to the feedback. For example, if a customer leaves a negative review, the Turning Point team can directly contact the guest to acknowledge the issue and offer a comp card for a return visit.
Turning Point also uses NCR’s loyalty functionality to keep its many repeat customers happy. Now, the restaurant can offer loyalty members exclusive perks, such as a free birthday meal or pre-sale opportunities on holiday gift cards.
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