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New Web and Mobile Ordering System Helps Restaurants and Pizzerias Boost Sales

Given the rising popularity of online and mobile ordering for takeout and delivery, Cumulus Computing introduced OrderSnapp nationwide. This all-in-one digital ordering system is designed to help restaurants, pizzerias, and small chains increase profits while providing the ease and convenience of online and mobile ordering to customers.
OrderSnapp is perfectly suited for small restaurants and pizzerias across the country. It is a pre-developed business solution, which means restaurants and pizzerias do not have to spend thousands of dollars building their own sites. Instead businesses can work with the OrderSnapp team to leverage its technology and create a customized online ordering website—or page off an existing site—and mobile application, all for a low monthly fee.
Using a technology called responsive design, restaurant websites are personalized with business name and logo, and work on any size device (e.g., phone, tablet, pc, etc.). The easy-to-use website allows customers to find a restaurant and its phone number, location, coupons and complete menu, and gives them the ability to place orders in a matter of seconds.
The industry for online and mobile takeout and delivery ordering is blowing up right now. Earlier this year, GrubHub went public with a valuation of more than $2 billion, while Eat24 is making strides on the West Coast. Although these applications are popular with consumers, many restaurants are not fairing as well.
With OrderSnapp, the restaurateur or business owners can promote its own URL. Plus, they can access all of the customer contact data that is collected, including customer name and email addresses. OrderSnapp does not charge commission on any orders, including cash orders. And there is no cross-promotion involved. The site is theirs alone. Customers can even search and download the restaurant's app for free from the Apple iTunes store or Android's Google Play Market.
In addition to helping businesses establish or improve their online presence, the team at OrderSnapp also provides the restaurant with social media support and couponing. Restaurants and pizzerias can also expect to see improvements in local and organic search results.
OrderSnapp has been adopted by hundreds of restaurants and pizzerias across the Northeast, including in major foodie cities such as New York City, Boston, and Philadelphia. It will begin to promote the product more heavily this year to other regions across the country, as well, through direct mail, advertising, and public relations.
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