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New Technology Reduces Transmission of Airborne Viruses by 562% in Restaurant & Retail, while Guaranteeing Increased Profits when Fully Implemented

The Restaurant and Retail industries have been devastated by COVID-19. As they try to recover, new Social Distancing rules requiring reduced capacity translate to dramatically lower revenues. Balancing safety and profitability has become the number one issue for restaurants and retail locations. To aid these businesses, Miami startup Creating Revolutions has invented a multi-patented technology that dramatically helps create a balance of safety and profitability called Service Request.


When it comes to safety, Service Request technology focuses on the science of multiple Fluid Dynamics studies. These studies have proven that the most powerful source of airflow acceleration (and therefore virus spread) is not by talking or from air conditioning. It is the age-old concept of WAKE. WAKE is the track left by a moving body (such as a ship or person) in a fluid (such as water or air), as defined by Webster’s dictionary.

To help visualize the concept, an analysis was done comparing two restaurant scenarios. The first scenario had a waiter serving 10 tables in a restaurant, exactly as they always do. The second scenario had the waiter serve the exact same tables, but using Service Request technology. The results showed an amazing 562% reduction in potential infection by airborne virus transmissions. As a competitive advantage, this represents making your employees and customers nearly 6X SAFER compared to a competitor down the street.


When it comes to Profitability, Service Request technology offers 11 out-of-the-box methods that significantly help counteract revenue losses – in fact, it actually increases revenue. One method (of the 11) is the creation of a virtual table, thanks to Service Request’s unique table turn capability. To help visualize the concept of just one of these 11 methods, consider the current multi-step method of getting a check in a restaurant today.

To further help visualize the value of just this one out of 11 methods offered, consider the restaurant analysis with 10 tables above. Restaurants cannot increase their interior square footage and because of Social Distancing regulations, they actually have fewer tables for customers to sit at. For many restaurants, that means they have 25% to 50% less tables than before. With Service Request technology, for every 5 tables, the system creates an increase in revenue comparable to a virtual 6th table. The technology cannot get back all 10 tables, but it can increase the revenue per table and significantly ease the financial burdens of Social Distancing regulations.

According to Chief Innovation Officer of Creating Revolutions, Einar Rosenberg, “The term efficiency gets tossed around a great deal. But when you start to examine efficiency, and more specifically, the math of efficiency from a variety of perspectives, you are able to create true values for businesses today. Nearly all service and hospitality businesses are struggling to balance safety and profitability. Service Request accomplishes this balance in a smart and easy way. We’ve learned that to truly appreciate the value, power and simplicity of Service Request, you need to see it for yourself.  So please reach out to take a test drive of this incredible technology.”

Additionally, Service Request’s design gives businesses a truly affordable tool that is setup and fully operational in minutes. The system requires a near ZERO learning curve, and changes none of a business’s current processes, yet makes everything dramatically better.

A key value of making this product so easy to use comes, in part, thanks to the newly introduced technologies of “Android Instant Apps” from Google and the upcoming iOS 14 release of “App Clips” from Apple for the iPhone. These two technologies allow Service Request to require no app installation, no registration and no sign in.  Giving a truly secure and private tool for all consumers.

To learn more about Service Request technology, visit

Or reach out to them at [email protected]


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