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New Payment Technology Offers Solution for Cashless Payment or NFC

The iPad Point of Sale (POS) provider orderbird, together with it’s strategic payment partner ConCardis, introduces a solution for cashless payment with card or contactless via NFC (Near Field Communication) such as Apple Pay.
The joint product makes orderbird the most affordable and accessible provider of cashless payments in the DACH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) market of mobile POS (mPOS) systems. Both companies aim is to further strengthen its leading position in the German speaking markets.
ConCardis is one of Europe´s leading providers with around 30 years of experience in the field of cashless payment, as well as more than 400,000 points of acceptance.
The newly developed Chip-and-Pin card reader allows for secure card payments and contactless payments via cards or smartphones equipped with a NFC-Chip. “The integrated payment solution by orderbird and ConCardis is the most affordable in the POS market. We want to set a standard and provide our customers with the best solution in the industry, creating further demand for our services”, says Jakob Schreyer, CEO and founder orderbird.
The card payment solution is seamlessly integrated into the POS system. It allows even the smallest of restaurants and mobile food operators to offer cashless payment that is both attractive and flexible for them. The fee for the business is small with only 0.95 percent for EC-cards and 2.5 percent for credit cards per transaction - there is no minimum volume of sale requirement, base fee or fixed contract.
Card payments are popular among consumers. The NFC-technology has started to gain traction since most mobile phones and wearables are already equipped with the technology – Apple Pay is also based on NFC. Big companies like Toshiba, BMW and MasterCard have recently announced at CES that they are planning on expanding their services based on NFC. The synergies of cashless payment options in modern consumer devices and POS technology allows for the market to be developed quickly.
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