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New Copywriting Service Helps Hotels Ensure Websites are Optimized

A recent survey conducted by Travel Leaders Group reports that 56.6 percent more Americans will travel over the 2013 holiday from Thanksgiving through January 1, 2014 compared to those who traveled during the same period in 2013. Travelers looking for lodging accommodations may have difficulty finding a hotel via Google if the property's website has not been updated from a keyword search algorithm to one that is content driven and recognized by Google's Hummingbird. To help hotels deliver fresh content that answers searchers specific questions, Lodging Interactive is launching a new service called ""
Last month Google significantly changed its algorithm (“Hummingbird”) that determines search results. The new system interprets the "inferred meaning" of a search, rather than providing listings that contain exact keywords used in the query. Google's rational is this: by requiring sites to deliver improved content that answers searchers specific questions, it will provide a more reliable resource, and in turn, improve the site's visibility and viability. Google wants hoteliers to stop obsessing over keywords and instead answer the questions that travelers want to have answered to differentiate themselves from the competition. While this theory has its merits, it poses many challenges to hoteliers. That's where comes in.
Lodging Interactive is making its hospitality-focused copywriting service available to those who use -- and don't use -- Lodging Interactive to design, host and manage their existing websites. Lodging Interactive will develop unique content for any hotel and the property's webmaster can then post the unique content.
Lodging Interactive is offering three structured pricing plans for to enable even the smallest of properties to optimize their website to take advantage of Google’s Hummingbird algorithmic changes.
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