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More Than 1 in 3 Mobile Phone Owners Subscribe to Mobile Messages from Businesses

Infinite Convergence Solutions has released the results of its 2013 Mobile Messaging Trends study, a survey of more than 500 mobile phone owners on their preferences and habits when mobile messaging with businesses both as consumers and employees.
The study found 36 percent of mobile phone owners subscribe to receive mobile messages from businesses, and of those subscribers, 90 percent opt to receive mobile messages from one to five businesses.
Mobile messaging’s effectiveness is demonstrated in the amount of time it takes mobile phone owners to open a message. According to the study, 87 percent of mobile phone owners open a message within 15 minutes of seeing a notification.
Messaging for Business Purposes
The study also examined mobile message usage in a corporate environment and found 45 percent of mobile phone owners use mobile messaging for business correspondence. Communication among colleagues is the most popular use, and 61 percent of respondents who send mobile messages for business purposes say official information from an employer is the most valuable information to receive.
Delivery assurance is a common concern with mobile messaging in a business setting. Seventy percent of mobile phone owners do not text with their company, clients or colleagues because of lack of a paper trail to guarantee delivery and receipt. Security is also a concern with 40 percent of respondents hesitant to text for business purposes because of worries about message security.
Consumer Mobile Messaging
The study also uncovered insight on mobile messaging preferences in select industries:
Banking & financial institutions: One in three respondents would communicate financial or banking activity and updates via mobile message.
Healthcare: One in three respondents would share medical information or illness symptoms with their doctor via mobile message.
Travel & hospitality: One in two respondents would make or confirm travel plans via mobile message, and one in four would purchase a flight or book a hotel via text message.

Retail: Of the 64 percent of respondents who don’t currently subscribe to text messages from businesses, 38 percent would subscribe if offered a deal, special savings or secret sale notification, providing retailers with ample opportunity to engage customers on the device they use most, according to Lal. In fact, 26 percent of respondents rated special offers or promotions as the most valuable type of information to receive from businesses via text.    
Mobile Messaging Opportunities for Businesses
Businesses have an opportunity to reach mobile phone owners who do not currently communicate with companies via mobile messaging, according to the study. Forty-eight percent of mobile phone owners who do not subscribe to receive mobile messages from businesses would opt in if messages were customized to their specific needs or preferences, signaling a need for businesses to shift from sending mass messages to more personalized information.
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