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MGM Resorts Builds Customer 360 with Amperity’s CDP to Redefine Customer Experience and Marketing

MGM Resorts has deployed Amperity’s enterprise Customer Data Platform to power first-party identity resolution and provide access to data and insights that were previously unavailable, opening up new ways to personalize their customer experience. 

MGM partnered with Amperity as a foundational part of their five-year digital transformation plan, replacing older systems where customer data took days to access and was often fragmented and inaccurate. With Amperity’s platform assembling a Customer 360 and making it readily available, MGM is reaching their customers with messages and promotions at key moments before, during, or after guest visits to provide an elevated experience and drive more engagement.

“Being able to trust our data and have access to it in less than an hour has been a complete game-changer,” said Prakash Ranjan, VP of Engineering, Marketing Technology & Digital Ventures at MGM. “We had teams across the enterprise debating the accuracy and validity of their customer data models, but with Amperity, we’re no longer wasting time figuring out who our customers truly are. Each one of those teams can now do something more productive and in the best interest of our guests.”

With Amperity’s CDP, MGM has now achieved: 

  • A single universal Customer 360 database replacing multiple separate team databases

  • Significant deduplication of records for greater accuracy in reaching customers

  • The ability to create flexible predictive modeling accounting for customer experiences beyond gaming

“The Travel & Hospitality industry is under extraordinary pressure to deliver business results despite the weight of everyday operations,” said Kabir Shahani, CEO of Amperity. “It’s enterprise brands like MGM Resorts who have quickly recognized that without a comprehensive customer data foundation, their business is too prone to error, too slow, and lack the capabilities to positively impact their bottom line. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, Prakash and his team are helping the company experience strong business results by taking the necessary steps to tighten the loop between data-based insights and the guest experience.” 

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