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Maestro PMS Introduces Mobile Check-Out and Tablet eFolio Display

Mobile operations and environmental sustainability are two of today’s top hospitality trends. Guests want to control as much of their hotel experience as possible on their mobile device. They also want to support hotels and businesses that demonstrate environmental sustainability. Maestro PMS’ integrated Tablet eFolio Display and Mobile Check-out hotel software applications aims to give guests the mobile control they want while reducing properties’ wasteful paper consumption.

Maestro’s Mobile Check-Out allows guests to review their folio on their mobile device from wherever they are. For guests who visit the front desk to checkout, Maestro’s Tablet eFolio Review feature lets guests review their folio on a tablet at the front desk. This greatly reduces paper waste, according to Maestro PMS President Warren Dehan. Many properties print a hardcopy folio for guests to review, then print a second folio as a guest is checked out of the system. Maestro eliminates the need for these printouts. The entire process is paperless and real-time. 

Dehan notes that charge updates may be made digitally in real-time and the final folio reviewed and emailed from the tablet instantly. Maestro also offers mobile check-in and tablet digital registration that eliminates hardcopy registration cards and provides real-time update of guest information and opt-in for property marketing efforts. The Tablet eFolio and the mobile check-out pages are also customized to match the property’s website and image for consistent branding.

Maestro’s Mobile Check-Out can be performed on any mobile device. On a guest’s departure date, the system sends them an email with an invitation to view his or her folio on their mobile device. The email invites the guest to check-out on their mobile if their folio is correct. If the guest touches the check-out button, they are emailed a completed folio with arrival and departure dates and their masked credit card number. If a guest declines to check out because they want to eat breakfast or go to a spa appointment, they may check-out later and view a fully updated folio with their latest charges.

In addition to simplifying the guest’s departure process, the mobile check-out function is also made to benefit the property. The mobile check-out instantly updates the guest’s room status to vacant in the Maestro Front Office System. This lets housekeeping know they can begin cleaning the room as quickly as possible to ready it for the next guest. All of Maestro’s mobile options are part of an integrated and centralized PMS system that aims to reduce waste and maximize operational efficiencies with a personalized guest experience. Properties that use Maestro’s Mobile Housekeeping hotel software immediately receive notification of the room’s vacant status to help prioritize their room cleaning schedule.



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