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iPads Invade Kitchen with BirchStreet Recipe Management App

BirchStreet Systems, Inc., a procure-to-pay solution provider for the hospitality sector, has announced Recipe Pad, a recipe management application optimized for iPad and other tablets. Offering an array of new features that simplify the entire lifecycle of recipe management, the company boasts that the Recipe Pad standardizes and streamlines food service, lowers food cost and incorporates the latest mobile technology.
As part of its Going Mobile initiative, BirchStreet’s Recipe Pad allows users to easily take the Recipe Management application from the desktop to the kitchen. Using a simple interface, users are able to browse, search and view photographs of all preparation instructions as well as edit recipes. Recipe Pad empowers worldwide enterprises by connecting users across the globe, allowing recipes to be shared or published across the enterprise. Chefs at a particular property can add local recipes or ingredients to the application.  
Recipe Pad includes a number of features:
  • What If tool: lets users ‘play’ with recipes to determine cost and profitability. With the click of a button, the What If tool allows users to model and understand all the variables affecting food cost, including seasonal availability, changes in portion size, ingredient substitutions, supplier substitutions and price volatility.
  • Intelligent recipe scaling: an essential tool for banquet and event planning, the scaling feature calculates the amounts of ingredients for a given recipe and allows chefs to increase or decrease recipe size indefinitely.
  • Pre-loaded 15,000 item ingredient library: each ingredient includes yield, nutritional facts and specific volume and weight conversions.  Users can also add their own ingredients or add local varieties to existing library ingredients.
  • Photo and video attachment support: allows for a myriad of visual examples.
  • Dietary restrictions: the system navigates dietary restrictions by tracking food allergens and intolerances.
  • One click metric/U.S. customary system conversions
  • Multi-lingual and multi-currency support
  • Approvals Workflow System: recipes can be routed for approval before publishing.
A completely web-based application with no server hardware to install or maintain, Recipe Pad can be used with or without BirchStreet’s e-Procurement and Inventory Control applications for seamless purchasing and inventory integration. When used with BirchStreet e-Procurement, the system captures cost data from purchasing and receiving transactions to best manage food cost. If no transaction information is available, the application captures cost data from more than 4,000 catalog suppliers in the BirchStreet Supplier Network. When suppliers update their catalogs, Recipe Pad can be configured to automatically update ingredient cost data, flowing through to update each effected recipe and its food cost. Fully integrated into the BirchStreet procure-to-pay application suite, Recipe Pad leverages the power of its e-Procurement functionality including the ability to scale-and-buy—automatically generating purchase orders based on recipe ingredients.
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