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Infographic Illustrates Evolution of Mobile in Travel

Usablenet has prepared a new series of infographics that illustrate the rapid evolution of mobile in the travel industry, with stats speaking to the rise of the modern mobile traveler, the surprising results a mobile loyalty program can have on booking frequency, how millennials are prioritizing mobile in their travel decisions, and more.
The full series includes takeaways such as:
Millennials lead the mobile travel charge: most mobile travelers are consumers between 25-44 years old. They spend, on average, 35% of their time looking for travel content on smartphones/tablets.
Mobile bookings have become a basic customer expectation: mobile bookings grew 20% in the first half of 2014 compared to only a 2% increase in desktop bookings.
Multichannel is key to the customer journey: 40% of Expedia customers use multiple devices to book while almost half of all travelers research destinations and travel ideas before booking on another device.
Loyalty programs greatly increase the chances a consumer will book a flight or hotel room by up to 86%, with approximately 50% of millennials considering loyalty programs “very important” to booking.
Four out of 10 travelers are now willing to share personal data in order to receive personalized benefits.
Download the infographic series right here.

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