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HTNG Releases New Web Services Specs

Hotel Technology Next Generation (HTNG) has released its newest Web Services specifications. The 2012B release adds new specifications from the Intelligent Guest Room and Point of Sale Workgroups, along with updated specifications from the Customer Profile and Product Distribution Workgroups.
Customer Profile Specification Version 2.0 –  This specification provides core services and a schema for a richer and more structured customer profile.  Significant updates have been made to support vouchers associated with a profile, to facilitate loyalty program enrollment, to support queries for limited components of a profile, to support social media, and to track marketing offers.
Intelligent Guest Room Version 1.0 – This new specification allows hotel systems to query the operational status or health of guest room devices and to receive notification messages of changes in the health of guest-room devices.
Point of Sale Version 1.0 – This new specification outlines a common data definition and protocol implementation for the traditional PMS-POS interface.  This includes the ability to look up and verify guest or membership account information, to post charges to a guest or membership account, and to retrieve charge-posting details in the same format as the transaction was originally provided to a guest/member, to help resolve billing questions.
Product Distribution Shop/Book Spec Version 2.0 – This updated specification allows for the real-time shopping and booking of preconfigured and dynamic packages.  Other updates include many enhancements, corrections, and documentation improvements to the Rates and Reservations specs.
The specifications are readily available at the links above. The HTNG certification program is being updated to include the new specifications. Documents needed to prepare for certification are available now. The certification process will be in place by mid-November.

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