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Hotel Improves Valentine's Day Guest Experience with Robots


During Valentine’s Day week, our team put together surprise Valentines for the guests checking in to Hotel EMC2. We thought this would be a great way to spread love and surprise our guests with something out of the ordinary. Our delivery robots, Leo and Cleo, delivered an assortment of chocolates, a fresh cut rose, and a funny valentine to share kind words to our guests. Some of our favorite Valentine sayings were “My Heart Beeps for you,” “I am nuts and bolts about you,” and “I like you a Bot.” The Front Desk team collaborated flawlessly with the robot pair to bring the festivities of this holiday to life.      

Our guests were shocked to open the door and have such a festive surprise waiting for them!  Many called down to the Front Desk to have the robot sent up again so they could take a video or picture to share with their friends. We have found many of these videos shared on Social Media for others to see. One of our guests even called to have a funny valentine sent to his colleague once she checked in! We love that guests are surprised by what our robots can bring to them and want to share this joy as much as possible.

The experience of having a robot deliver a treat to your door truly one of a kind.  At Hotel EMC2, we find a way to personalize each delivery so we never lose the personal interaction with our guests.  Throughout the week, our team members would add different messages to the face of the robot to display something unique for each guest. We strive to be “Exactly Like Nothing Else,” and I truly think we achieve this by bringing Leo and Cleo to life.  Our guests are always excited to introduce Leo and Cleo to the world through Social Media. Many guests have come back to the hotel and brought family members to share in this unique one-of-a-kind experience. 

Leo and Cleo were excited to deliver something different than our typical hotel amenities.  This is something Hotel EMC2 plans on incorporating for all future holidays to inspire a sense of wonder to our guests in their home away from home.  Our robot team embodies the core values of intersecting Art and Science while leaving a lasting impression on all visitors of Hotel EMC2.

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