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HITEC 2014: CRM Tool Helps Operators Increase Revenue Through Combined Data

NAVIS launched NAVIS Reach at HITEC June 24 – 26 in Los Angeles. NAVIS Reach is a CRM tool that allows operators to increase revenue through combining data from online and offline systems for automated, targeted email campaigns. Clients use NAVIS Reach to easily identify marketing strategies, create successful email campaigns based on guest interests, and track results in real-time.  
NAVIS Reach triples the amount of email opening rates. NAVIS Reach gathers information with specialized data mining programs that identify guest behaviors such as dates stayed, interests, activities, room preference, total spend per visit, overall guest value and even custom attributes.
NAVIS Reach gathers data based on specific configurable criteria, removes pre-bookings, eliminates duplicate names, and automatically groups people into the same households instantly. When this data is collected, Reach generates targeted lists that rank guests by interests or other factors. The system provides easy-to-use custom email templates. NAVIS Reach implements the email campaigns and tracks results to verify effectiveness. The system provides comprehensive oversight so operators can track revenue generated by each marketing campaign. Reach delivers more meaningful connections with guests and greater revenue for clients.
NAVIS provides ProServices professional turnkey marketing and email campaigns. ProServices is for operators who have limited time or resources. It is a turnkey email marketing campaign service that puts NAVIS’ marketing team at your service. NAVIS becomes a hotel company’s virtual marketing department with ProServices by handling all aspects of strategy, execution, and results measurement.  
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