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GUESTScope Puts Guest Insight at Your Fingertips

UniFocus says that its new GUESTScope 5.0 leverages dynamic reporting technologies for utilizing guest intelligence to protect revenue, improve a business’ online reputation, and more.
  • Protect revenue: Identify what is most important to guests and that impacts their intent to recommend.
  • Quickly analyze verbatim comment data: Find out what is being said most often about your property, and in what context, utilizing the comment tag cloud.
  • Quantify revenue at risk: Understand, based on your guests' intent to return, how much revenue you may have at risk and what to address that can reduce this risk.
  • Know cost of problems: Relate revenue at risk to problem incidence and service recovery performance.
  • Improve online reputation: Encourage your loyal guests to post online reviews and improve your competitive standing.
UniFocus also says that its GUESTScope includes:
  • Real-time alerts: Ensures that key staff members make faster and effective service recovery efforts.
  • Key opportunity reporting: Identify the issues most highly correlated to customers' intent to return and recommend.
  • Service recovery index: Ascertain how well the staff is resolving problems by type and the timeliness of response.
  • Issue analysis reporting: Put effective corrective actions into play per frequency and type of issue.
  • Communication blog: For staff to document and share insights from the data.
  • Integrated travel site monitor: Integrates your open-loop and closed-loop feedback
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