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The Grove Taps BI System to Gain Greater Insight into Resort Ops

The Grove in Hertfordshire, England has installed Datavision Technologies' Datavision Business Intelligence System Suite. The Datavision data warehouse consolidates information from PMS, POS, Spa, Sales & Catering, Golf, and Dining, creating a 360 deg. view of resort operations.

Since Datavision extracts data from all key systems, it is used by multiple departments across the property. Revenue managers use Datavision to analyze and report on rooms booking pace, market segmentation, Travel Agent business, in room vs. out of room spend, etc. The spa department uses Datavision to understand their spa booking pace, booking lead times and analyze retail sales. Accounting uses Datavision to streamline their income audit procedures -- automatically collect and balance all financial data (rooms, spa F&B, etc.) and produce a weekly report. The Rooms, Sales, Spa and Golf departments all update forecasts on a weekly basis, enabling all departments in the property to understand the future business requirements, prepare for staffing levels and offer promotions accordingly.

Chris Andrews, CFO at The Grove says, "Datavision has opened access to information that we never had before. We have found applications for Datavision across all the areas of the business. Our restaurant managers and chefs' are particularly benefiting from the system. We can now analyze our business to a much greater degree in a shorter period of time."


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