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Google+ to Surpass Facebook by 2016

Google+ has taken over the No. 2 social media position from Twitter, according to reports, and from all indications it may even be a contender for the no. 1 spot in a few years, replacing Facebook. What does this mean for hotel companies? Hoteliers must embrace Google+ as a critical social media outlet if they want to remain competitive. Lodging Interactive, an award winning full-service digital marketing and social media engagement agency exclusively servicing the hospitality industry, and its subsidiary CoMMingle, a social media consultancy, is offering a turnkey service for creating and professionally managing Google+ Business Pages and boosting Search Engine Optimization positioning.
Google+ Business Pages are socially enabled and allow members (hotels) to organize people (guests) into social groups referred to as "Circles." Then, hoteliers engage with their own circles of potential guests and build larger circles through social networking and marketing. Today, Google+ Business Pages has approximately 359 million users and growing. Not only has there been increased traffic on this site, but Mashable reports that the amount of time consumers are spending on G+ has doubled since February.
According to a recent study, by February 2016, Google+ will surpass sharing by Facebook users, at which time G+ users will generate more than 1,096 billion +1s ("likes") per month, while Facebook users will generate just 849 billion shares per month. People who use Facebook are sharing 10 percent more each month, in aggregate, while Google+ shares (aka +1s) are growing by 19 percent per month.
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