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First Hotels to Pilot Easy Revenue Management's Ez-LITE

Scandinavian First Hotels will be the pilot to the latest innovation, Ez-LITE from Easy Revenue Management Solutions (EasyRMS).
Ez-LITE is the revolutionary new product from EasyRMS, built solely in response to the need of smaller hotels or those at the lower echelon and is fully designed to fulfill to be simple, fully automated, cluster/regionally oriented, cost efficient and powerful and effective.

EasyRMS believes this is a major step forward for both EasyRMS and for Revenue Management within the hospitality industry in general.

First Hotels director of revenue management, Kjetil Smette comments, "First Hotels has already from its beginning in 1993 been an innovative hotel chain, adapting latest technology to be ahead in hotel management. When Revenue Management started to be more seriously considered in Europe in mid/late 90’s, we started to educate and use Revenue Management techniques to secure optimal revenue streams throughout our group."

"After ten years on EzRMS, close to 80% of our revenue base is generated at hotels using SaaS Revenue Management Solution technology. We have been waiting for a product such as Ez-LITE, to enable the remainder of our hotels to be on a full RMS platform, providing us with data and recommendation to close the last gap of revenue opportunities for all our hotels across the three Scandinavia countries."
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