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Dallas BBQ Seamlessly Integrates Back-of-House with POS

In 1936, Carl and Grace Wetanson began a four generation family-run restaurant operation that quickly began to landscape New York City and its surrounding areas. In 1980, the family opened the doors to Dallas BBQ – a one stop shop for delicious ribs, chicken, and steak at an affordable price.

As the company continued to thrive it became clear that it was necessary to upgrade systems in order to streamline operations. Dallas BBQ had grown to six locations and was using ChefTec to handle the back-office across locations. ChefTec’s items were not universal, however, which meant that in order to update inventory item prices to all of the stores, managers were required to go to each location and update them manually. “We knew how much time we were wasting doing this and knew it would only get worse as we grew,” Frank Miehl, director of purchasing, explains.

After conducting thorough research of options on the market, Miehl and the team decided to make a change. “We ultimately felt Compeat was the best solution for what we were doing then, what we’re doing now, and what we’ll be doing in the future,” Miehl explains. “Compeat allows us to grow our business in the most efficient manner.”

Dallas BBQ has installed Compeat Advantage, interfaced with POSitouch POS, in ten locations and is so far happy with the results. The company is working towards only using these two systems to run the entire operation. Recently, Dallas BBQ added Advantage Workforce to manage its labor and plans to replace Quickbooks with Advantage to manage accounting. “We’re also hoping to start up with Compeat Payroll to complete the suite,” Miehl reveals.

Seamless communication
Dallas BBQ has already realized many of the benefits of integrating POSitouch and Compeat as the two systems are in sync to provide all the information store managers need. Information from the POS is funneled into Compeat and the team receives reliable communication. “The systems talk to each other very nicely,” Miehl agrees. “When we purchased Compeat, we set up all of our menu items in our Advantage software. Now we’re able to poll everything we need out of POSitouch. All of the numbers are there and our ducks are all in a row!”

In addition, Compeat makes it easier for Dallas BBQ to audit the POSitouch POS financial information and make it ready for accounting. Compeat Advantage polls the POSitouch system daily and puts the POS financial information in a Daily Sales Report that has been tailored to the restaurant’s needs. Management is now able to go directly into the Daily Sales Report to get any financial information that is needed.

Control and cost savings
Meihl credits Compeat with allowing Dallas BBQ to increase control over daily operations including keeping costs down.  “Every Monday we price out our commodities for the week and produce gets priced out on Mondays and Wednesdays,” he explains. “Compeat gives us control by allowing us to quickly change prices and vendors across the board working out of one restaurant.”

In fact, Dallas BBQ has lowered food costs or at the least kept them the same since implementing Compeat. Meihl points out that despite food prices going up 13% over the last year and a half, they have not raised menu prices.

In addition to cost savings, Dallas BBQ has enjoyed an immense time savings in regards to inventory tracking.  “We save time by being able to work in one restaurant to get everything accomplished and then updating that information to the other nine stores with a click of a mouse,” Miehl notes. “This was something we were not able to do with our previous back office software and it saves us a huge amount of labor, headache, and room for error.”

Overall, Meihl admits that Dallas BBQ has reaped the benefits of the insights provided by the system. “It’s very nice to have a breakdown of all costs involved when we’re setting up menu items,” he explains. “Compeat allows us to see all costs in a recipe, right down to the teaspoon of salt!”
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