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Crowne Plaza Hotels Introduce Alternative Wake Up Call

Crowne Plaza Hotels up and down the United Kingdom, will now offer guests the option of receiving a phone call telling them it's time for bed. Checking emails just before hitting the sack halts the production of sleep enhancing melatonin and has the same effect as drinking a double espresso at bedtime, according to research from Crowne Plaza released earlier this year.

At check in, guests will be asked if they want a "switch off call" and at what time. When the time comes, the guests will get a call telling them to set down tools and relax before turning in for the night. Guests will also be offered a fresh mint or ginger tea to follow their "switch off call". These teas have been selected for their calming properties.

"Most of our guests are frequent business travelers who work long hours and find it impossible to switch off at the end of the day," says Paul Brackley, general manager, Crowne Plaza London the City. "When people travel on business they feel under pressure to work even longer hours than normal. The "switch off call" is our way of telling guests enough is enough and suggesting it's time they go to bed."

Worryingly, 62 per cent of business travelers have taken their BlackBerry to bed in case an important work email comes through during the night, while a quarter admitted to sleeping with their BlackBerry every night, according to research from Crowne Plaza.

The "switch off call" is currently being trialled at a number of Crowne Plaza hotels in the UK across the next three months. If the service is popular it could be introduced at 331 Crowne Plaza hotels across the world.
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