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The Benefits of Adopting Tech Solutions for ISO Compliance

SaaS-based quality and audit software have made the ISO compliance process so much simpler, more efficient, and more streamlined. Now, AI, machine learning, IoT, data analytics, and even augmented reality tools are elevating the experience even more.
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ISO certification is widely considered the global gold standard, so when organizations become ISO certified, they’re demonstrating that they prioritize safety, quality, and compliance, and they’ve followed guidelines to provide consistently high-quality products and services.

But getting that ISO certification can be expensive, time-consuming, and overwhelming – especially if you’re using manual processes.

Technology, like SaaS-based quality and audit software, has already elevated the ISO compliance process dramatically, making it much faster, easier, and more accurate. Now, exciting new tech trends will continue to improve the process.

For instance, the rise of automation and the Internet of Things (IoT) are driving increased adoption of tech solutions for ISO compliance and quality management. Additionally, data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming more common in ISO compliance, as companies look for ways to boost the accuracy and efficiency of their compliance efforts.

If that wasn’t cool enough, emerging technologies are bringing more innovation to the table. Blockchain technology is being explored as a way to ensure supply chain transparency and compliance with ISO standards, particularly in the food and beverage industry. AI and machine learning are being used in groundbreaking ways, like automating data analysis and reporting. And augmented reality tools are being considered as an engaging, memorable way to improve compliance training, helping employees better understand ISO standards and procedures.

Tech is a game changer for ISO compliance

Gone are the days where we shuffle through piles of paperwork, frantically trying to locate a particular sheet of paper for an auditor.

There were, undoubtedly, challenges with manual systems and ISO compliance. Manual systems meant it was difficult to spot noncompliance issues, track certification paperwork, or get real-time visibility across an organization. Trying to manage the ISO compliance process manually was expensive, time-consuming, stressful, and error prone.

Alternatively, tech solutions offer numerous benefits, allowing organizations to:

  • Reduce risk. Tech tools help organizations quickly identify (and resolve!) any issues to stay compliant. By increasing their safety protocols, becoming more consistent with their safety and quality processes, and reducing the risk of food safety breaches, organizations can avoid major legal, financial, and reputational damage. This can help them increase key performance indicators (KPIs) like increased sales, profits, customer loyalty, employee retention, and positive reviews.
  • Meet consumer demand. Consumers are, increasingly, doing business with companies whose values align with their own. That means consumers want to see evidence that organizations are ethical, sustainable, responsible, committed to DEI, etc. Companies must be transparent about their values, demonstrating their commitment to things like sustainability, ESG, DEI, responsible sourcing, ethical treatment of people and animals, etc. If companies can’t successfully demonstrate this commitment, consumers will move on to different brands (and they won’t look back).
  • Automate tasks. It’s much easier to complete necessary tasks using tech tools vs. manual methods. Automating tracking metrics, documenting corrective actions, and generating reports digitally is faster, easier, and more accurate than manual methods, saving time, money, and aggravation. If you had the choice, wouldn’t you pick the simple, cost-effective, accurate, stress-free option over the alternative?
  • Centralize data. Have you ever tried to find a single sheet of paper in an overflowing pile on your desk, feeling like you were looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack? When you transition to a tech solution, you’ll have access to centralized data right at your fingertips, allowing you to instantly find the various components of ISO standards – including certification documents, audit information, and operational records – whenever you need them. This can be invaluable during the certification process.
  • Boost visibility and transparency. It’s impossible to achieve real-time visibility with manual methods. Tech tools allow you to get a more comprehensive, holistic view – or drill down by location. With access to real-time data, your organization can quickly identify and remediate any noncompliance issues that may arise, allowing you to stay compliant. It also answers demands from key stakeholders (including customers, employees, and investors) who want more transparent information about your business practices, so they can feel comfortable that they’re aligned with responsible, ethical, sustainable organizations.
  • Enhance your reputation. Achieving ISO certification can be an important way to showcase your commitment to quality, safety, and consistency, which can help protect your reputation and build trust with customers and other stakeholders, like investors, employees, the media, influencers, etc. Being ISO certified demonstrates to key audiences that you’re investing the time, money, and energy into running as safely, effectively, and ethically as possible. This effort can help drive positive outcomes, including confidence, loyalty, referrals, and great reviews.
  • Expand your horizons. For companies that want to engage in cross-border trade, ISO compliance is becoming increasingly important, as ISO standards are often used as a way to ensure consistent quality and safety standards. Additionally, many countries are implementing regulations that require companies to achieve ISO certification for certain products or services. This means that if you want to participate in regulatory compliance, ISO compliance is a critical business requirement for many industries.

SaaS-based quality and audit software have made the ISO compliance process so much simpler, more efficient, and more streamlined. Now, AI, machine learning, IoT, data analytics, and even augmented reality tools are elevating the experience even more.

It's such an exciting time to leverage technology, which is greatly improving the way we do business! Tech solutions have become much more affordable, accessible, and user-friendly for businesses of all sizes and budgets, and innovative solutions are making our jobs so much easier.



Paul Damaren is Executive Vice President, Business Development at RizePoint, a technology leader in the food safety, quality management, compliance, and social responsibility space. RizePoint’s quality management software solutions help companies, including Starbucks, McDonald’s, Marriott, and more, keep brand promises through their quality, safety, and compliance efforts. Customers gather better data, see necessary actions earlier, and act faster to correct issues before they become costly liabilities. Check out RizePoint’s new website to learn how these solutions can help your company.

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