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Advanced Analytic Tool Helps Hoteliers Increase RevPar

Hoteliers' time is precious, responsibilities are great and competition is fierce. To answer the many needs of this evolving industry, Fuel has developed the Fuel Gauge Marketing Dashboard.
The tool was designed with the property manager in mind and aims to simplify business processes, drive intelligent decision-making, improve guest experiences and increase revenue. Fuel Gauge places all relevant analytics information in one fully comprehensive dashboard, providing hoteliers real-time data and easy-to-read reporting. This is how simple and effective hotel analytics should be.
Hotel and resort mangers alike can now gain better insight into their website, booking engine, email marketing, social media, online reputation, guest satisfaction, organic and paid search, and more, all in one easy-to-use, multichannel system. With Fuel Gauge, hotel properties can operate in the fast lane, and even the smallest of properties can now compete with largest hotel brands.
Brittain Resort Management & Hotels (BRM) is the first to utilize the power of the Fuel Gauge to turbocharge marketing for its 14 properties. The platform’s rich analytical data offers BRM greater insight into each resort’s marketing efforts, as well as conversion, occupancy and revenue tracking. Social media and digital marketing are no longer a chore on each hotel's ever-growing to-do list, as now real-time tracking of its performance are just a few clicks away.
Fuel Gauge allows Fuel’s clients to fully comprehend their marketing program’s effectiveness by tracking performance and assisting decision making for each property.
After implementing Fuel Gauge and having this essential information at the ready, hoteliers won't remember how they were successful without it. Fuel Gauge makes your big data problems much smaller.
To find out more about Fuel Gauge Dashboard, visit Fuel is a comprehensive digital marketing agency with an emphasis on travel and tourism, featuring services such as website development, SEO, PPC, email marketing and more.
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