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80 Percent of Mobile Restaurant Searchers Make a Purchase

With the number (19 million*) of U.K. consumers eating out at least once a week reaching an all-time high, new xAd/Telmetrics Mobile Path-to-Purchase research findings show the increasingly dominant role that mobile plays in U.K. restaurant research. Mobile is the only media used by half of mobile restaurant searchers (49 percent), and 50 percent say mobile devices are the most important media source for their restaurant research. Restaurant marketers have a short window of opportunity to influence this high conversion category as most (78 percent) mobile-driven U.K. restaurant searches result in a purchase/booking and 59 percent want to make a decision the same day. The research, from the Restaurant category of the U.K. Mobile Path-to-Purchase study, was commissioned by xAd, a leading mobile-location based advertising network, and Telmetrics, the top mobile call measurement provider, and conducted by Nielsen.
xAd/Telmetrics U.K. Restaurants Mobile Path-to-Purchase Infographic

Location Crucial to Mobile Restaurant Searchers
Mobile advertisers need to ensure their campaigns are locally relevant as location proximity is a key purchase influencer. For smartphone restaurant researchers, of which half are using their device on the go, nearly 3 out of 4 expect the restaurant to be within five miles, including a quarter who expect it to be within walking distance. Looking up locations is the most popular restaurant search activity (69 percent) and map/navigational apps/sites are 36 percent more popular for restaurant searches than the other categories studied (Auto and Travel). Location is also important to tablet searchers as 60 percent expect restaurant locations to be within five miles.

Restaurant Searchers Make Quick Purchase Decisions So Contact Info Key
Timing is everything and, across the three categories studied, restaurant searchers have the fastest purchase times with 60 percent of mobile searchers looking to make a decision the same day. This includes 1 out of 3 smartphone searchers making a decision within the hour. Also, half of mobile restaurant searches involve looking for contact info such as location, directions and phone numbers, which often indicates a high conversion prospect in this category.  Ultimately, 1 out of 3 U.K. smartphone searchers made a call to the restaurant.

Star Impact: Diner Reviews Aid Restaurant Searchers’ Decisions
User reviews are the most important mobile restaurant research feature and 58 percent of mobile searchers use reviews in their purchase decisions. Restaurants that fare well on review sites and/or include menus as well as reputably sourced reviews on their mobile websites will likely see more business/bookings. Reviews are the top search activity for tablet searchers who also use their devices more heavily for researching menu options. Overall, the top three most important features for mobile restaurant searchers are: online reviews, location proximity and an optimized website. A mobile-optimized site is key for monetizing mobile traffic as most restaurant searchers use mobile websites rather than apps.
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