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3 Tips to Improve the Effectiveness of Hotel Digital Signage

Hotel guests are familiar with digital signage. It can be found nearly everywhere. Digital signage is a good way to provide property and regional information to guests; it can even be a profit center. But, is it doing its job? In this article, Flyte Systems provides three tips on how to improve the effectiveness of a hotel's digital signage and add value to the guest experience.
1. Placement is important! Do guests see the hotel's message?
For the hotel's digital signage to be effective, whether it provides property information and promotions, regional events and maps, or wayfinding, it must be in a high traffic area. Placing it near the front desk, where guests will see it when they check-in, is ideal. Likewise, near elevators where there is a captive audience or near a concierge station or information desk. Take a day to watch the lobby guest traffic flow. This will tell hoteliers the best place to display content.
2. Invite interaction that engages guests with the hotel's message.
Guests want to customize their world. So offer signage information so they can do their own wayfinding and discover adventures specifically to their taste. Touchscreens are perfect for this. They draw guests in and let them interact with the display to obtain only the information that is important to them. A well-designed display is easy to understand so that guests can quickly find what they need. The display’s format and colors should complement the property’s interior design and conform to brand standards to create a harmonious experience.
3. Display information content that adds value to a guest’s stay
Relevant, updated signage content drives guest engagement. If the hotel takes time to develop interesting, timely information that is relevant to its guests’ activities, it will enrich their experience and add value to their stay. Plus, when guests are fully engaged they are open to more information including property promotions and local advertising. 
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