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Travlled Enables 1:1 Personalization for the Hospitality Industry with a Platform Where Hotels Can Access Guest Managed Preference Profiles

Travlled announced a new platform that puts every guest into the center of focus to create really unique journeys with benefits to both parties, guests and hotels.

Around 90% out of the guests staying at a hotel are there for the very first time and this number is likely to increase as business guests which are mainly the frequent travelers are not quickly coming back after the pandemic.

In addition to this high number hotels face the challenge of meeting the ever-increasing expectations of their customers. Responding to preferences is already being met in many other industries and as the hospitality industry is mainly based on service and interpersonal relationship this topic is key to sustainable success. Another major topic that cannot be neglected is data security and GDPR. Guests are getting concerned about what happens with their data and who has access to it.

Travlled has built its tool with the mission of challenging the status quo. By giving travelers the possibility to create, manage and share their own unique preference profile with hotels before arrival true 1:1 personalization can be created. It’s a win-win situation as complete preference profiles give hotels many options and at the same time guests get clarity about what information hotels have about them.

The service is free for travelers and does not involve a paid membership. Hotels are paying a monthly fee to get access to the Travlled dashboard where all shared profiles are available and summarized. Focusing on guest information and personalization Travlled plans to extend their services in the future with hyper-personalized up- & cross-selling possibilities and adding 3rd party activity providers to the platform to name a few.


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