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Social Media Analytical Tool Offered for Free

CoMMingle by Lodging Interactive is offering a FREE social media reporting tool to hoteliers that delivers weekly analytics about a hotel's activity on the top social media networks, including: Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, Google+ and blogs. This offer is made to the first 100 hotel marketers that sign up.
According to the 2012 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, 59% of marketers are using social media for six hours or more each week, and 33% invest 11 or more hours weekly posting and monitoring mentions. However, only 30% of businesses are outsourcing some portion of their social media marketing. That means, many hoteliers are attempting to manage and analyze their social media programs on their own.
To aide in their efforts, CoMMingle will provide a weekly analytical report to track performance. Hotel marketers simply need to sign up to start receiving these free reports. There is no log-in required to view the data. It's simple, it's no cost, and it brings all analytics together into one report delivered direct to the hotel.
Lodging Interactive is an award-winning, interactive and social media marketing agency exclusively servicing the hospitality industry. CoMMingle by Lodging Interactive is an outsourced social media marketing agency that develops customized solutions for hotels, restaurants and spas. The company works with its customers to grow and better manage their use of social media channels, provide reputation and consumer sentiment monitoring, and social search engine optimization.  
The social media reporting tool being provided by CoMMingle free of charge to hoteliers includes (but is not limited to):
     Facebook Management:
Weekly total reach and the number of people talking
Total likes, Friends of Fans, People Talking About This During the Past Week, and Weekly Total Reach
Page Post Report
Fan Report by Country, City, Language, and Like Sources
Who was Reached and How
Who is talking about your page and How they are talking
      Twitter Management:
Number of tweets
Number of replies
Number of retweets
Number of Followers
Number of those Following
You Tube:
Number of video views
Which video was viewed the most (if hotel has more than one video)

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