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Snapchat Lets Users Read Reviews, Book Reservations


Snapchat recently debuted a new feature within its mobile app called Context Cards. Users will now have the option to tag their snaps with their location, such as the restaurant, hotel, or movie theater they're at. When other users view that snap, there will be an option at the bottom of the Snap titled "More." Swiping up on "More" will launch the Context Card which will contain information such as the address, hours of operation, phone number, as well as information from other sources such as TripAdvisor, Foursquare, Michelin and goop.

Context Cards will also offers users a way to take simple actions such as calling for a ride with Uber or Lyft or reserving a table through OpenTable, Resy or Bookatable. The photo/video sharing service also integrated Stories into the Context Cards, making it easy for users see Snaps from places that interest them.

According to, these Context Cards could help the platform evolve into a discovery and marketing platform that rivals Yelp and drives value for restaurants, venues and destinations.  

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