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Shift4 Announces P2PE Capabilities for Micros POS

Shift4 Corporation has announced plug-and-play Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) capabilities for MICROS point-of-sale (POS) systems.

The complexity of development and implementation of P2PE has been a barrier to entry for many merchants. This solution solves that issue by using our proprietary technologies, along with an existing integration to MICROS, to make adoption easy for merchants.

By leveraging their existing 4Go® for MICROS solution, Shift4 has made it possible for merchants using MICROS 3700, 9700, or Simphony POS systems along with Shift4’s DOLLARS ON THE NET® payment gateway to gain near-instant access to their P2PE solution. All they have to do is plug in and configure a compliant ID TECH® encrypted swipe device.

With this solution in place, the MICROS POS remains free of sensitive cardholder data and therefore out of scope of PCI. This means merchants with legacy MICROS solutions that may no longer be PA-DSS validated can maintain PCI compliance without having to update their systems. Merchants using current, compliant MICROS solutions gain an added layer of security and the benefits of a drastically reduced card data environment. In fact, with Shift4’s P2PE solution fully implemented, only the swipe device remains in scope for PCI assessments.

Existing Shift4 merchant customers interested in using this solution should contact Shift4 Support to learn more. Interested merchants who are not current Shift4 customers should email [email protected] for additional information and a list of certified devices.

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