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QR Code Application Enables Real-Time Customer Feedback

Speetra has launched pulseM, the first voice-centric QR code application on the market.
pulseM allows smartphone users to capture a specially designed QR (quick response) code, which triggers the pulseM application and lets users speak their comments, rather than fill out an online form or take a survey. It offers an immediate outlet for compliments or complaints in a variety of situations.
For example, in a hotel environment, a customer could use the pulseM app and code to praise the room or the front desk staff, or express their unhappiness with the accommodations or the cleanliness of the room. They can let the hotel's management know their feelings immediately and directly, rather than express themselves publicly on social media.
pulseM is also an ideal fit for any industry interested in generating feedback by leveraging the massive consumer adoption of smart mobile technologies. There are early pulseM customers in retail, hospitality, healthcare, customer service, sports, special events, and travel.
Once the user speaks their comment, within seconds the comment is received by the sponsoring company as an audio file. The company can gauge in real time what people think about their product or service. With optional analytics, including sophisticated sentiment analysis based on tone and key words, a company receiving many pulseM messages can see precisely how their customers or employees feel about them.
pulseM enables a company to present a simple choice (happy-neutral-unhappy) along with the voice comment, or pose a specific question to customers, such as "How was your service today?" A company can use it to ask employees a question such as "What do you think about the new benefits package?" Respondents also can offer their comment in text if they prefer.
Companies using pulseM can use the complaints to improve their service and leverage the compliments, including the customer's actual comments, in their marketing materials.
The pulseM application is available now for the Apple iPhone, and an Android operating system version will be available in the third quarter of this year.
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