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Punchh Launches WiFi Marketing to Lure in New Walk-In Customers

Punchh launchesPunchh WiFi Marketing to help brick-and-mortar restaurants and retailers identify potential new customers and market to them in real time.

Punchh WiFi Marketing provides seamless integration with Punchh Marketing Cloud and
accelerates retailers’ ability to identify and engage a potential customer as soon as they walk
through the door . Engaging customers via WiFi provides access to more customer data, while simultaneously offering machine learning capabilities for better segmentation and improved promotion targeting.

The modern-day consumer walks into stores with a smartphone in hand or a laptop in their
bag. These same devices that bring a customer into a business offering WiFi can also be
detrimental if the business does not start building a relationship at that point, since the
customer can find the competition within seconds on Google or Yelp. But once they connect
to WiFi, Punchh allows brands to engage immediately and provide a personalized shopping
experience, distributing the right offer at the right time.

Benefits to brand marketers using Punchh WiFi Marketing in conjunction with the Punchh Marketing Cloud:
● Increase same store sales and customer lifetime value (CLV) by extending the reach
of the brand’s acquisition strategy.
● Accelerate customer visit frequency, spend and offer redemption rates.
● Easily add customer acquisition channels, such as list/web imports, POS
integrations, SMS, and multiple payment options, as marketing strategies grow.
● Predict customer behavior and provide recommendations for personalized offers.
In addition to the marketing benefits, Punchh WiFi Marketing allows retailers to leverage and
enhance existing WiFi investments into a customer engagement and acquisition channel.

Because Punchh unifies WiFi Marketing into a single platform, it is easy to administer,
manage, and maintain and eliminates the need to sign-in multiple times and manage
disparate systems. Finally, the Punchh solution lowers operational overhead since data is
automatically deduped and cleansed in one system.

Punchh is actively opening channels with  WiFi providers such as Cisco Meraki,
Ubiquiti and Aruba Networks and systems integrators, including a new partnership with
World Wide Technology (WWT). WWT has experience integrating Punchh’s platform into
consumer loyalty applications and is also a Cisco Gold Certified Partner and HPE Platinum
Partner that deeply understands network architecture and digital activation via custom
captive portal experiences.

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