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Partnership Enables Customers to Order and Pay Via Phone

Mobile technology company QikServe today announced a collaboration with PayPal that will allow the UK hospitality sector to take orders and payment using the PayPal app on their customer’s smartphone.

QikServe’s mobile ordering solution can now be integrated into PayPal’s payment app. This means that restaurants and bars can offer customers the choice to order and pay for food and drink through their smartphone, creating a seamless experience for customers.

Designed to make paying even easier, this collaboration means less time waiting and is one step closer to a wallet-less future. The long wait in line is often an issue for consumers; in a PayPal study 76% of Britons stated they disliked having to wait in long queues, and almost 80% of those surveyed wished they didn’t have to carry a wallet.  

The integrated service is already available in several fast food outlets such as Armstrong’s Deli in Edinburgh, football stadiums including Hearts FC, Reading FC and Portsmouth FC, and in bars and pubs operated by TCG, like Henry’s Cafe Bar, in Covent Garden.

Conveniently, the service can be quickly integrated; businesses can set up a QikServe and PayPal account and begin taking mobile orders and payment in less than an hour. The collaboration also means that in all venues currently using QikServe for ordering and payment, customers can now use the PayPal app to order and pay.
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