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New Tool Captures Instant Customer Feedback

Benbria has introduced BlazeLoop as a new tool to get instant customer feedback. BlazeLoop is a customer engagement solution that enables businesses to capture real-time customer experience (criticism or praise) through the customer’s channel of choice and direct it to front-line staff who can engage, act, and resolve customer issues in real-time. Metrics are centrally tracked and available in real-time reports to all levels of management, holding the front-line staff accountable for improving loyalty and the experience for the next customer through the door.
Recent research maintains that only 1 out of 26 dissatisfied customers will approach a business to complain about their issues. Instead they will choose social media and other channels where their comments have greater impact. As a result, field level employees are unaware of these issues and surely not empowered to engage customers online.
BlazeLoop® Customer Engagement by Benbria solves this problem by allowing businesses to capture instant feedback at the point of engagement. Through on-the-spot customer notifications to store managers, BlazeLoop enables businesses to act and resolve customer issues in real-time.
Different from a survey in style, engagement and benefit, BlazeLoop captures on-the-spot customer feedback from a variety of channels (store front, social media, app, texting, email, etc.) and makes it actionable by directing relevant input to front-line staff who can engage, act, and resolve customer issues in real-time.
The result – improved customer relations, recovered at-risk customers, increased sales close rates, repeat visits, referrals and improved business operations.
Benbria made possible an 18% rise in same-store sales for a Fortune 1000 customer by equipping over 2000 locations with the ability to see, act, and close on customer-facing issues immediately. Benbria enables a cultural change amongst front-line staff by ensuring that the customer experience remains a top priority.
Real-time metrics are available to all levels of management, holding the front-line staff accountable for enhancing customer relations and improving the experience for the next customer through the door.
Capturing on-the-spot feedback and resolving issues at the point of engagement gives businesses the ability to recover at-risk customers and reduce the risk of negative publicity via word-of-mouth and social media.
Using this hosted web-based solution, customers can provide real-time feedback on or off the business property with a smartphone or any web-enabled device. Their feedback is intelligently routed to front-line staff for immediate response, action and resolution.
BlazeLoop is a socially-connected platform that provides a one-to-one connection between the customer and staff. BlazeLoop is very different from website feedback forms, email and surveys by empowering front-line staff to listen, act, and resolve issues as they happen. Real-time notification, response and resolution ensure that business operations are improved daily resulting in an enhanced experience for at-risk customers as well as the next customer through the door.

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